Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Is there really a Jewish Tax on Food?

The answer is NO.

So, where does the idea of a Jewish Tax on Food come from?

Let's look at the word tax and what it means. In the broad sense any time you spend money it is a tax on your capital, but more importantly the correct word should be expense. Why use the word tax? Just like the Boston Tea Party, the word tax is being used to incite anger and hatred. Why are those Jews putting a tax on my food! The point is the correct word is expense and the use of tax is a loaded word to incite negative feelings.

If a kosher symbol is a tax -- then you would have to apply this broad definition to everything that is an expense. From the can or bottle used to package the product, to the employees that make the product -- to any donation the company makes to charity. Even the electricity and water they used would be a tax. These companies are being taxed to death so they only make 2% to 30% profit.

Why would a Food Company incur an Expense?

Food companies advertise and that is an expense for the purpose of finding new and repeat business. That is a good thing. Advertising for new and repeat business is good for the customers because it can mean more information to the public and lower prices. A kosher label is a form of direct advertising telling the customer this food is kosher and meets biblical standards in how it was prepared and what foods are used. This too is a good thing, because food companies [1] wouldn't do this if it didn't make business sense and mean an increase in profit.

Money food companies pay to the United States government -- is really a tax in which they have no choice....

A tax is forced on you. A kosher label is a business decision made by the free will of the person in charge of making this decision. When the government taxes you don't have a choice. A food business has to listen to the FDA and other government agencies or risk fines and being shut down. However on the other hand, a business has a choice on whether or not to use a kosher label, and can terminate this relationship at their pleasure.

Business Decisions

Consider NASC car, sports, and charity, they all have sponsors who pay money to support the event. Does that mean the sponsor loves cars, sports or the charity it sponsors? Obviously the answer is not always. For the most, feeling has nothing to do with it -- it has to do with a business decision that best fits their company. So, why would a food company want to put a kosher label on a food product? Because they know it is good for business because a certain percent of people do want kosher food. This makes money for the food company and is a good for the customers -- it is a win - win situation.

I guess taxes are a good thing, we have schools and roads that are paved, and we have police and all those things that taxes provide. But one thing a kosher label isn't -- it isn't is a tax. It is purely a business decision to make money for the food company; to make sure they stay in business and provide for their employees. And maybe sometimes a kosher label is used by a company because it is the right thing to do.

What is involved with make a product kosher? Rules and lots of them. Some are simple and some are complex and some meaning you have to be an expert in food chemistry. NO the Rabbi doesn't bless the food or clap his hands so it magically becomes kosher. It means inspection of every detail of the food plant from the products and machinery used. And once a place is certified kosher making sure it stays that way day in and day out. In some areas this may be more involved than an FDA inspection.

Those spouting about a Jewish tax on food are consumed by hatred and want to incite others to feel the same way.


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Mac said...

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sarahskoshermarket said...

Yes there isn't any exact kosher tax but still some out of hatred gives it a name of kosher tax and some food companies out of making money gives it name of tax.

sarahskoshermarket said...

Yes there isn't any exact kosher tax but still some out of hatred gives it a name of kosher tax and some food companies out of making money gives it name of tax.Kosher food Florida is the best kosher food.

Joe Rizoli said...

Can't wait for the Muslim tax to come on food.

Joe Rizoli said...

Seriously, the Jews practically own the newspapers, major publishing agencies, Hollywood,the porn industry, the abortion industry,our Government, the schools information, colleges freedom of speech, the Holocaust industry, the bullying laws, our legal system, why not a Kosher Nostra Tax that isn't a tax but an extortion racket.

Jessy Shan said...

Nice blog post. Thanks for sharing.
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